Kayak Pool Sessions (Mondays except Stats)


LOCATION: AUT MILLENNIUM (so not the National Aquatic Centre on the opposite side of the road)
17 Antares Place
Free parking

Monday nights (except stats)
Meet: 7.15pm
Time: 7.30 to 8.30pm

4 swim lanes booked each week, with the option to add a 5th lane on Monday mornings.
Bring your own kayak as pool boats are no longer available.
$15 per session
$135 for 10 sessions
Please pay online in advance to:
Auckland Canoe Club
Particulars: Your full name
Reference: Pool

Two new online payment links for paying by credit card:
Single pool session ($15) - https://buy.stripe.com/14k4ki0LT1cMcnK6oB
10 pool session package ($135) - https://buy.stripe.com/aEUbMK9ip4oY9by7sG

New registrations: www.sporty.co.nz

Please let us know via WhatsApp group if you are intending to come and what type of instruction you would like:
WhatsApp group: Rolling Plus
Click this link to join the group: https://chat.whatsapp.com/KUlWtD78Hg88TnVGdLawW6

Peter van Kuyk
Training Officer
Auckland Canoe Club
Email: training@aucklandcanoeclub.org.nz
Phone: 021 02521256

Payment queries:
Matt Crozier
Auckland Canoe Club
Email: treasurer@aucklandcanoeclub.org.nz

AUT Millennium (Opposite side of the road from National Aquatic Centre)
17 Antares Place

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