Annual General Metting


The Auckland Canoe Club AGM is scheduled for the 21st May.

We promise to make this as fun and fast-moving as possible. It's a great time to come along and let us know what you would like to see happening in your club.

New Constitution
It is important that get a good turn out as we will be seeking members' approval to adopt a revised constitution, in accordance with the new Incorporated Societies Act 2022. You can view and download the suggested final by clicking on the following link:!AjUkHPlAvy6ikbxNlXuaB_2QfWAPdw?e=ogYS8j

We now call for the following :
1) Any motions that you would like to have put forward at the AGM
2) Any nominations for committee members
3) Any apologies (if you really can't make it)

Last day to send motions for the agenda – 6th May
Last date to nominate or stand for committee - right until the meeting starts

Send to

Annual General Meeting Details
When: Wednesday 21st May
Time : 7.00pm
Where: Richmond Yacht Club rooms

173-175 Westhaven Drive
New Zealand

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